First of all, I'd like to extend a warm and heart-felt thank you to each and every person who has been taking the time to come to this blog and read my story. I truly appreciate it and it makes me feel good that you like the story. Makes all my work worthwhile.

Speaking of work, I wanted to reflect a bit on Part Two, which featured Marlon Jackson. Now I won't lie, ever since I had concieved the idea of "The Lockdown" I had been waiting with bated breath to write Marlon's part. It's not because I like Marlon best either.
It's just for the longest time, in my stories, I always made Marlon the comic releif. Within any situation, he's always the one cracking jokes and being silly. Like no one could take him seriously in the way I portrayed him..
And in my writing, I kind of like to throw the curveball now and again and shake up people's perceptions.
So in this story, I got excitied by the idea of having Marlon basically be Loni's pimp. He doesn't think of it that way of course, but if you look REALLY hard, that's what he's doing.
To be perfectly honest, at first I had wanted Jermaine to be the "pimp" in the story. I don't know why, it just struck me as more a Jermaine role for some reason. But I changed my mind to Marlon. Primarily because I wanted to give Marlon a meatier role (and appeal more to my friends at the Marlon fanclub.) I didn't want the story to be partocularly Michael Jackson-centered. I wanted all the breothers to have more substantial parts. I mean they've sang doo-wop to Michael for 40 years already. LOL.
But with Marlon, I didn't really want to make him mean, I just wanted to encourage little spats with various brothers here and there. And I know with Loni eventually becoming entangled with all of them, it's practically inevitable. I just wanted Marlon to be a little uncharacteristic.
As of now, I am working on Part Three that features Randy. And I've taken aspects of his personality and put them on steroids, so I think it'll make for an interesting read. More is always on the way.
And thank you again for reading!